Feb. 15, 2023

Ep. 010: The Psychology Behind Building Better Operators

Ep. 010: The Psychology Behind Building Better Operators

For this episode we are pleased to be joined by Lon Bartel, who offers his insights from the perspective of Law Enforcement training. Lon is the VP of Training & Curriculum at VirTra, based in Arizona. He is a former police officer with over 25 years of experience, qualified as a range and tactical instructor and a published author. He is currently embarking on a PhD in Performance Psychology.

Lon describes some of the systems in use across law enforcement, including the 360 degree system developed by VirTra, as well as the volumetric video technology. He describes how the training requirements differ for police and law enforcement officers, and how that shapes the training systems.

The focus is more on creating pressures through visual and non-visual cues, overloading the sensory systems in order to increase the training challenge. Lon goes on to explain how they aim to get away from ‘box ticking’ training to make time spent in the box a more rewarding experience, using applied psychology to enhance judgement and decision making for officers. A subject that is very much in the news in North America and the rest of the world.

As ever we are joined by our intrepid journalist Andy Fawkes from MS&T, who takes us through some of the more recent developments in the training and simulation world. The theme of international collaboration continues, as well as further moves to promote virtual learning and digitisation of the military.

Episode Sponsor: Improbable Defence

Improbable Defence is a mission focused technology company working to transform the national security of our nations and their allies in the face of increasing global competition and evolving threats.

Today, national security is defined by technological superiority. We believe that software more than any other capability will redefine how war is fought and who will be on the winning side. Those entrusted with the preservation of our freedom, prosperity and safety deserve the best software-defined capabilities available.

Since the end of the Cold War, the UK, US and their allies have been unchallenged in military technological dominance. Today, we are facing a different reality: our adversaries are seizing the technological edge.

Improbable Defence chooses to stand up and not stand by. We are building cutting-edge software products to help our nations retake the technological advantage. We believe in defending our democratic values against those who seek to undermine them. Supporting those tasked with this mission is at the heart of all we do. We seek to radically transform the mission outcomes of those whose responsibility it is to keep us safe.







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Lon Bartel Profile Photo

Lon Bartel

Vice President of Curriculum and Training

Lon Bartel is the Vice President of Training and Curriculum for VirTra, a leading-edge simulation and training company that provides training products and services within the Military and Law Enforcement space. He relies on over 20 years of law enforcement training experience to improve the performance of the officers and trainers he works with. He was recognized by the State of Arizona P.O.S.T. as a subject matter expert in both firearms and defensive tactics. He is a founding member of the Arizona Tactical Officers Association and a lifetime advisor. He is internationally certified as an instructor with the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training, where he has won innovation awards. Mr. Bartel has presented at multiple conferences on performance under stress. These presentations were at the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association conference (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022), The International Law Enforcement Training Network, Law Enforcement Education Program (2020, 2022, and 2023), and Force Science Annual Conference (2020 and 2022).

Mr. Bartel earned his Master’s degree in Applied Exercise Science from Concordia University-Chicago and his Bachelor’s from Arizona State University in Exercise Sport Science with a concentration in physiology and biochemistry. He holds certifications with the National Strength and Conditioning Association and the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He has published peer-reviewed research exploring how weapons and holster combinations affect perception-response times… Read More