[FPV Drones Mini Series] Ep 2: How to Develop a World Beating FPV Drone Capability

Christopher Torchia

Christopher Torchia Profile Photo


Chris is a man of many talents. He is a published biochemist who graduated from the State University of New York at Buffalo, after which he started hic career in biotech as a Technical Scientist @ Thermo Fisher Scientific. He later transitioned to freelance 3D artistry cca 2009 and eventually worked as Art Director of DayZ at Bohemia Intaractive and Technical Director of Art on VBS4 at BISimulations before starting his own co-development company in 2019 called Vigilante Design. Fun facts: he plays electric guitar, loves to cook all things Italian, and making silly photoshops of himself in front of Hubble telescope images.

Nov. 30, 2022

Understanding the Defence 3D Modeling Pipeline

Tom & Colin introduce the first episode of Season 1's education episodes. This episode is designed to be referred to when you (the listener!) have a need to 'gen up' on 3D modeling. Specifically related to the defence industr...

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