[FPV Drones Mini Series] Ep 2: How to Develop a World Beating FPV Drone Capability

Jason Kennedy

Jason Kennedy Profile Photo

VP of Engineering

Jason has spent his career focused on improving defence capabilities within the US, UK, NATO, and their allies. He spent the first half of his career in safety critical air systems - working on projects like C-130, Firebird, F-35, and Orion Spacecraft. He then moved into simulation based training where he found a true passion for the transformative power of synthetic environments - working on projects like VCOT, COFT, CDT, STE-RVCT, SSE-TD, and CTTP-PF.

April 20, 2023

Ep. 016: Horizontal Scaling of Synthetic Environments - Jason Kennedy

Following on from our previous episode with Joe Robinson, we are joined by Jason Kennedy who is the VP of Engineering at Improbable. Jason has an impressive background in, having previously directed large teams of engineers t...
Guest: Jason Kennedy